A relatively unknown manager (Macclesfield Town) compared to the big boys in the Premier League, Keith Alexander nonetheless was a good man and a professional. Having been diagnosed with cerebral aneurysm in 2003, he went on to have his operations and returned to work since the operations. He had been struggling with his health and took some time off. Despite this, he was present for the game against Notts County just on Tuesday night, before passing away at the age of 53.
Cerebal aneurysm in simple terms refer to the bursting of blood vessels in your brain and could be due to high bloood pressure, atherosclerosis or genetic reasons. For all our readers who may be interested to lower their risk towards cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, you may find more information about a product named, Monacol.
I guess this only goes to show the magnitude of pressure managers are in while in charge of a football team. These days, managers do not simply have to worry about the game but also about many other aspects of the club. This includes culture, tradition and in some cases, personal or familial problems of their players.
The editors at TST offer our sympathy and condolences to his Keith Alexander's family and to the people at Macclesfield Town. To all managers and professionals out there, do remember to take time to relax and take it easy from time to time. Do not allow it to affect your work and level of professionalism, but at the same time, do not let your work overly affect your health and body.
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