Who the heck cares about the MLS?
I say it once, I say it again... football (I mean soccer...) will NEVER reach cult status in the United States, I don't quite believe the Americans know what footballing passion really is. Its a country of baseball, basketball, football (the American kind), Nascar (the most boring thing on TV, watching cars running in circles)... anyway they even invented a name for football called "soccer"... what the heck is soccer?!??!
And for the sake of the footballing gods, Beckham being there is the lamest joke since Pele went to the USA... he is way past his due date, and LA is a just a glamorous hangout for him. I'd rather watch the J-League frankly (I refuse to stoop low enough to say I will watch the S-League though, cos that will be impossible...)
I have only respect for USA goalkeepers, cue Brad Freidel, Tim Howard, Kasey Keller... the rest of what they call soccer is bullsh**. Pretty much like this blog.
There you go, I said my piece. Now spare me the news of David Beck-ham and his merry men. More Victoria please...
But...our blog is named the SOCCER talk!!!!